<bgsound src="stoned.mp3"> Amsterdam


 Weed animated gif Weed animated gif Steve and Dan's Annual European trip Weed animated gif  Weed animated gif

Email:  steve@stevelandrum.com


It is historic, hedonistic and a heck of a lot of fun. Amsterdam -- the original City of Sin -- is a party paradise.

That's because it has sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. And it's all legal!

13 Days traveling from Amsterdam through Germany, Italy, Switzerland and home

Follow us in daily picture uploads and comments

Click Here for a map of coffee shops in central Amsterdam

Danny's video of drunk in Amsterdam 

( is a video clip from last years trip March 09, I put it on youtube) 

Wed June 30th Fly Amsterdam

Day 1 Thursday 1 July Arrive in Amsterdam

Day 2 Friday 2 July Amsterdam - Quarter Finals World Cup

Day 3 Sat 3 July Amsterdam Quarter Finals World Cup

Day 4 Sunday 4th of July Drive from Amsterdam to Bernie's near Nuremburg Germany

Day 5 Monday 5 July Bernies

Day 6 Tuesday 6 July Drive Munich - Semi finals of WC

Day 7 Wedensday 7 July Drive Milan Italy - Semi finals of WC

Day 8 Thursday 8 July Milan Italy

Day 9 Friday 9 July

Day 10 Saturday 10 July 

Day 11 Sunday 11 July Munich Finals World Cup

Day 12 Monday 12 July Munich

Day 13 Tuesday 13 July Fly Home 

Interesting links:

Cannabis Cup

High Times

Funny Pot Pix

Coffee Shop Lost in Amsterdam

Amsterdam pubclub.com

Escort Service

Smokers guide to Amsterdam

Coffee Shop Guide

Amsterdam Information

All Amsterdam

Weed animated gif
